Terms and conditions

This Agreement was drawn up in Italian. Should there be discrepancies between any translated versions of this Agreement and the Italian version, the latter will prevail.

The Terms of Use describe the terms and conditions of the services and content offered by the website innovingbiz.com of Tabacchi Chiara, resident in via Balbinot 2 in Cordignano (TV).

The acceptance of the conditions is done by explicit agreement if provided or simply through the use of services and content provided by innovingbiz.com.

You may not have access to the website or services if you are less than 18 years of age. The user who does not agree with all clauses referred to in this document can’t access and/or use the website or the services within it.




For the purpose of the “Terms and conditions” document herein, the following definitions apply:

“Website” as the innovingbiz.com website.

“Conditions” the content of this page, called “Terms and conditions”.

“User” is the subject, individual or company, registered or not, that accesses to the website.

“Content” is any information and files created, uploaded, and shared by the website.

“Ideator” whoever creates an idea or answer to a contest.

“Innovingbiz” is the owner of the website and his employees.


User registration

In order to access the website and use its services the user declares and certifies, for all legal purposes, to be an adult (at least eighteen (18) years old) and that is entitled to sign binding contracts, conditions and statements and, in case of legal person or authority, to be held accountable for the contract’s liability.

Any physical or legal person may create and manage a single account attributable to him/her.

To open an account you must provide all information required by the website, which will strive to treat them in accordance with the privacy policy adopted by innovingbiz.


The information entered must be accurate, thorough and truthful. You assume full responsibility for omissions, inaccuracy and entering wrongful information.

Innovingbiz reserves the right to remove or block access to its services in the event that the data inserted does not meet the conditions and the terms of use.

During registration a user password is required. You agree to take appropriate security measures for its safety, and you agree to immediately notify innovingbiz should the password be stolen or lost.

The registered user is the solely responsible for the activities related to his/her account.


Definition of “idea”

With “idea” it’s intended:

– An invention intended as a new and innovative solution to a technical problem. It can be a product or a process (method, procedure);

– A design or original model, for instance of a technical or medical tool, an house object, an architectural structure, a jewel, a dress, a car, an electrical accessory, a toy, a new packaging, a print on fabric, etc.;

– A creative work such as a book, a script, a movie, a song, a painting, a drawing, a photograph, an advertisement, a logo, a web design, etc.;

– Any idea related to interior design, the design of a garden, a special menu, a tourist route with certain characteristics;

– A response to a contest.



How to publish an idea 

To publish an idea you must be registered to the website.

To enter an idea are required, in addition to the title, a description and possibly pictures, drawings or videos associated to it, and the category it belongs to and keywords that will allow the contest to be found more easily.

You must indicate if it has particular characteristics (such as patents, working prototype, etc.) and the goal to be achieved by the publication (the purchase of the idea, the offer of participation in profits or otherwise. In the event of the purchase of the idea the ideator can provide a price or you can refer to the one requested by the buyer).

The ideas remain visible for a year or until removed by the ideator.


Ownership rights 

The creator remains the sole owner of the idea, except from what agreed by the purchase contracts, collaboration or whatever concluded between the inventor and third parties, in which innovingbiz can’t and must not be considered as part of the contract or in any case obliged to any title to any performance. The negotiation of such autonomous agreements can’t be made using the website.

The User is required to publish ideas of which he/she’s the owner of all rights, including intellectual and industrial property rights.

Any information provided by the User must be truthful and not potentially liable to mislead any user of the website on the identity or quality of the User and/or the Idea.

It should be pointed out that, since the idea can potentially be seen by anyone who accesses the website, if it is not patented or copyrighted, the only way to protect it is to give not too detailed information though enough to describe it and make it attractive. More information can then be given to the person who will contact the creator directly.


Definition of “contest”


With contest it’s intended:

– A problem that can’t be solved, for which a particular process or tool is needed, which does not exist or the existence is not known.

– A creative work for your company, your website, your home

– Hints, ideas that would be useful to your business or yourself.


How to publish a contest 

To participate in a contest you must be registered to the website.

To enter a contest are required, in addition to the title, a description and possibly pictures, drawings or videos associated to it, and the category it belongs to and keywords that will allow the contest to be found more easily.

A deadline must be provided, during which time answers will be accepted, and shorter than one year.

You must indicate if the answer must meet certain characteristics (such as patents, working prototype, etc.) and the goal to be achieved by the publication (the purchase of the idea, the offer of participation in profits or otherwise. In the event of the purchase of one or more ideas that meet the requirements, a price can be provided or you can refer to the one requested by the inventor).

The contest can be launched either anonymously (will be visible only the chosen username) or not.

To make the contest interesting, involving a larger number of participants and actually get what is required, in addition to careful assessment of what is offered as a reward, it must be described in as much detail as possible what the winner will get. It must be made explicit the need or requirement that needs to be satisfied, the goal you want to achieve, and in the case of a creative work, it’s very important to indicate the style you are interested in and features that it shouldn’t have (also by means of examples).

We remember that every country has specific contest prize rules. It is not the responsibility of Innovingbiz, but of those who publish the contest evaluate in advance whether or not the contest complies with the regulations of the country of reference.

Access to answers

The visualization of the answers to the contest will be granted only to those who publish the contest.

The user who starts the contest, through the services offered by the website, can receive different ideas as response.

In order to permit assessment of the ideas and not to jeopardize a possible development of them, the person who answers the contest undertakes, with the acceptance of the “Terms and conditions”, not to make the idea public, not to communicate, disseminate or exploit it economically, limited to the period in which the user who launched the contest has the right to examine it, amounting to 30 days, from the day of expiry of the contest launched (deadline for the introduction of ideas in response to contest on the website).

After that date and without the user who launched the contest having expressed interest in the answer and contacting the creator, the latter will be dissolved by the aforementioned constraint and will therefore be free to propose the idea in response to other contest or to publish it as an idea, to spread it, communicate it or exploit it economically outside of the website.

Likewise, if the user that launches the contest considers idea of interest and want to contact the creator, innovingbiz will provide contact information.

Those who create the contest and the creator may agree on specific purchase contracts independently, partnership or other in which innovingbiz can’t and must not be considered a party to the contract or otherwise obligated in any way to any performance. The negotiation of such autonomous agreements can’t be made using the website.

In any case, please note that the publisher of the contest is obliged to respect the obligations of non-disclosure of the Idea.

Those who launch the contest can agree different times for the evaluation of the ideas and the use of the same, giving a detailed description in the contest.

Nondisclosure agreement idea

The user who launches the contest will not disclose to third parties or exploit economically the Idea of which he has knowledge thanks to innovingbiz.

The ideas have to be considered ownership of the sole innovator and can’t be economically exploited, communicated, distributed, published, transmitted, used or reproduced by those who launched the contest.

It is expressly subject to the user’s ability to grant different specific economic exploitation regimes, communication, dissemination, publication, transmission and use of the Idea directly with the innovator, by separate contracts in which innovingbiz can’t and must not be considered part of, or other obligation of any kind to any performance.


Evaluation and contact

If those launching the contest are interested in one or more ideas they received in response, they can contact the creator to get more information.

Negotiations will take place with no third party directly involved between the creator and who launched the contest. Innovingbiz will not be the intermediary.

The user who launches the contest declares he/she’s aware that the ideas could also be amateur, and therefore may also refer to non-professional quality material and must take all necessary precautions in using them. We do not guarantee that those who enter the contest have the qualification (degree, registration, permits, etc ..) to submit appropriate solutions to the demands. Therefore it’ll be the user’s responsibility to evaluate in advance whether or not to launch the contest, or whether to verify independently after receiving the proposals the skills of the creator.


Answers to contests

To respond to contests, the same rules apply for the inclusion of an idea.

In this case, the contact information will be visible only to those who launched the contest. If the idea is not chosen by those who launched the contest, the creator can choose to make it visible to everyone by posting it as an idea.

It is possible for those who publish the contest to receive responses only through other channels specifically indicated (eg email address, web site, …). In these cases, those who respond will have to comply with what is stated in the regulation of the single contest.


Intellectual property

All text and graphic elements (such as, for example, logos, images, trademarks, photographs, images, application software and codes used for the implementation of innovingbiz) being part of the website and documents generally reproduced in it, are innovingbiz exclusive property, or used with permission/license of its owner. Any other use of this material is forbidden, for any purpose, without the prior consent of innovingbiz.


Limitations of use


Users are obliged to use the services offered through the website in accordance with these Terms.

Users guarantee that their information is legal, accurate and truthful, does not violate copyright, patents, trademarks or other rights.

The user is solely responsible for the use made of the services, as well as the consequences of non-compliance with those conditions.

Any unauthorized commercial use of our services, or resale of our services, is expressly prohibited.

In this sense, the use of services offered by innovingbiz through the website is subject to, as examples, the following restrictions:

– Not to use or launch any automated system (including, without limitation, “robots,” “spiders” to automatically fill in online forms or similar and/or technology programs) to access the website to send to innovingbiz’s server a number of requests and messages that would exceed what could reasonably be posted by a human in a specific period of time, using a conventional internet browser;

– Not restrict or inhibit any other user from using our services;

– Do not collect personally identifiable information to other users, including account names;

– Not to alter or modify any part of the website or the services associated with it.

– Do not copy or distribute any part of the Website by any means;

– Does not alter the security of the Website;

– Not falsify or alter the information provided by innovingbiz.


Content posted by users

For the purposes of these Conditions, the Contents are the ideas and the published contests (including the ideas in response to the contest) and all information and content provided by any user through the website and its functionality.

Innovingbiz will not claim authorship of the descriptions of ideas or contest, however, by publishing your content, you warrant to innovingbiz the right (but no obligation) to advertise and publish the information you entered on the website, including a summary of your ideas and your contest (but not the intellectual property rights). Only the user is responsible for the content’s dissemination. Innovingbiz imposes no control over the content posted by users.

In this sense, the purpose of these Conditions, any Content that meets one of the following is expressly prohibited:

– Violate any local law or applicable regulation, national or international;

– Violate any intellectual or industrial property rights or other proprietary and not proprietary rights;

– Harm to the right of privacy;

– Insert defamatory or libelous content;

– Enter false, incorrect or misleading content;

– Insert obscene content or child pornography;

– Register under a false name;

– Insert elements that can create malfunctions in the website (such as viruses, Trojans, bugs, etc.).

– Including ads for products or services unrelated to innovingbiz

– Copy previously submitted ideas by another “creator”.


Innovingbiz reserves the right, without notice, to delete and/or deny access to any content which is contrary to these conditions, or unsuitable for being published on the website.


Withdrawal and cancellation

The user may at any time request the removal from the website and the elimination of all of its publications via email at innovingbiz {at} gmail [dot] com.

However, we cannot guarantee the immediate elimination of those contents entered by the users that have been used by innovingbiz for advertising purposes (in particular in regards to external advertising channels to the website).


Economic terms

The website and its services are currently offered free of charge.


Limitation of Liability

Innovingbiz does not exercise, nor has the means to exert control in regards to truthfulness, accuracy, quality, originality, authenticity, legality or validity of the information published by users. Innovingbiz is not liable for the use made of ideas and contests; the user is believed to be the solely responsible for the results, damages or actions that may arise from their use.

The user knows and accepts that he/she uses the services under its sole and exclusive responsibility and at his/her own risk.

Likewise, in case of disputes of any kind (including disputes on liability and/or ownership of the rights on the works) or for any reason among users or any third party, innovingbiz is exempt from any responsibility for liability actions or damages of any kind and nature (direct or indirect) in any way related to this dispute.

Innovingbiz in any case reserves the right to remove, refuse or cancel access to the services offered through the website, without the need to give prior notice to those users who fail to comply with the provisions in these conditions.

The innovingbiz website and the services offered on it are in “Beta”, as a result there may be errors or other deficiencies that may affect the functionality of the services offered through the website. Therefore, the services offered through the website may be modified or temporarily suspended or interrupted for safety reasons, monitoring, maintenance, and without warning. Innovingbiz, as far as possible, should do its best to inform the users of these changes or suspensions.

Innovingbiz is not responsible for events occurring outside of its control, such as the failure of third parties, operators or service companies, actions of the Government, lack of access to third-party networks, actions or omissions of public authorities, consequences of natural phenomena, blackouts, etc. and the action of hackers, crackers or third parties specialized in jeopardizing the security or integrity of the website.

Except for cases of willful misconduct, the lack of good faith or gross negligence, innovingbiz cannot be held responsible for any of the following damage caused by these conditions or in connection with them:

– Any loss of profits, business, savings, goodwill, revenues or profits;

– Any loss or damage or destruction of data and information;

– Any loss or indirect damage of any kind.

Each user authorizes us to retain archival copies of all ideas and contest, except in those cases where the user decides to delete the account and all publications within it. The user authorizes us to use them in connection with the Website and its activities, including the promotion of the Website in any media formats and through any media channels.

If a user has reason to believe that his/her work has been copied and posted on the website infringing copyright, he/she is invited to notify that infringement as soon as possible by sending an email to innovingbiz {at} gmail [dot] com.

Contract changes and integration of new features

Innovingbiz reserves the right to make changes at any time in these conditions. An updated version will always be available on website. The use of the services and the same access to the website implies the acceptance of the changes made to the conditions.

Innovingbiz reserves, at any time and without notice, the right to change the services offered through the website, integrating, suspending or modifying some features in order to improve its service.



Any dispute relating to this document will be the exclusive competence of the Court of Pordenone.


Date of the latest version: 05/06/2017